   1. I develop service which may cause the earth to move! (9 6)
   9. A room we trash in testing place! (7)
  10. Splash the cash for rubbish gulpers (7)
  11. Zero decay around base of plant (4)
  12. Fool returns carrying halter-top garment (5)
  13. Belgian city expels hot fellow (4)
  16. Controller may be inside (7)
  17. Understood Italian director (7)
  18. Present contents of perspex po under the bed (7)
  21. Greek character left in gloom with scavenger (7)
  23. Yes, run round quietly and see (4)
  24. Clever sheep is seen back in street (5)
  25. Make keen wrestler have extra training initially (4)
  28. Speech about Ontario (7)
  29. Drifting lilo carries you and I left into shaft! (3 4)
  30. Are badly stunted services the result of this? (15)
   1. Delta King? (6 3 6)
   2. Push for vehicle check at end of June (7)
   3. Ruin does produce poems (4)
   4. Confused when making paninis? (2 1 4)
   5. Reduce sofa fee? (4 3)
   6. Meatless local sausage cafe ends up with fish! (4)
   7. Countryman in serial I rewrite (7)
   8. Let Circe order pens and boilers (8 7)
  14. Dawdle about, topless, in part of Kent (5)
  15. Pleased with energy put into clearing (5)
  19. Scandinavian father's trees? (7)
  20. Evil mice nod off (7)
  21. I get no stuff back from inventor (7)
  22. Articles left inside with Lawrence Thrower, say (7)
  26. Complain about storyteller (4)
  27. Gel tube oddly contains gum (4)