   5. Help one put out commercial (3)
   8. Fussy fool takes shirt off you and me after Lent (10)
   9. Bad student jumps out of collapsing gully (4)
  10. Weaken some American political leaders (3)
  11. I sell padre dodgy footwear! (10)
  14. Sections of walkers (4)
  15. Upset, sick and cold, left slide (3)
  16. These congas can produce real music! (5 5)
  20. A place for contemplation and growth (4)
  21. Paratrooper plays out rope proportionally (3 4)
  22. One not involved in organising late run (7)
  24. Band of scholars go back and forth (4)
  25. They may choose to trace eel's movement (10)
  29. Thanks recreational leader for pitch (3)
  30. Bag it with EU order (4)
  31. Second request to get topless at dance or game (10)
  35. Raw material for golden eagle's head (3)
  36. Small cold article is behind screen (4)
  37. Sharpness of ugly art in a new format (10)
  38. Boy gets numbers backwards! (3)
   1. Backsliding Uncle grabs redhead's heavenly body! (4)
   2. Regularly eating a large chunk of Sicilian rock (4)
   3. River poet? (4)
   4. The manner by which fish attract attention? (7)
   5. Estimate of donkeys and people in street (10)
   6. Product Ali designs with printer (10)
   7. Get tired social worker to shield eastern students from masochist (10)
  11. Last one to leave Ms Blyton (3)
  12. Short brat has a sort of way with words? (3)
  13. Expected report of moisture (3)
  17. A coarse bit of manoeuvring when high? (10)
  18. State allowances include nitrogen for plants (10)
  19. Goat's head may be something to eat (6 4)
  23. Note parents' view of early childhood? (7)
  26. Is a duck with a newspaper seen many times? (3)
  27. Now, get one girl's name! (3)
  28. Measure part of cellar (3)
  32. The man roughly leads everyone back to Fitzgerald (4)
  33. Stream Alfred's "Bake-Off" method? (4)
  34. A great number see Eliot (4)