   1. Leave drink outside Saracen's Head to idly chatter (6)
   5. Starving flyers eat out endlessly (8)
   9. Anguish can force creative work (8)
  10. Impetuous copper is trapped inside food plant (6)
  11. Break in trip to Bury? (12)
  13. Give 'em back to European leaders (4)
  14. Woman with acute disorder has to leave (8)
  17. Gain oats haggling in city (8)
  18. Working out bishop and daughter's connexion (4)
  20. Take care of food article going to somewhere in Surrey (4 4 4)
  23. Get sick after donkey attack! (6)
  24. Silly uncle had set off! (8)
  25. Bugler played at the start of every year with soft tone (4-4)
  26. Make certain points on river (6)
   2. Spoken origins of old rituals and languages (4)
   3. Aware about muddle-headed thought (9)
   4. Trainee comes in to measure hospital base (6)
   5. Understood last month about line dance (5 2 8)
   6. Played clavier in time with upright? (8)
   7. I leave undies out for these? (5)
   8. Left at home without guns! Maybe it's not fair! (10)
  12. One sailor's case may be silver and bone (10)
  15. I climb out after initially using American life-line (9)
  16. Composer has written about role of single man (8)
  19. Around the country bad beer gets condemnation (6)
  21. Girl has no northern escape! (5)
  22. Novel key comes from a long way out east (4)