   2. Supporters kiss and cuddle around Wallsend with impunity! (5 4)
   8. Edward leaves order to shoot tree (3)
  10. Wrong end of peloton is back in front (3)
  11. Disobedience shown when Celtic race ran amok! (13)
  14. It isn’t commonly soil (5)
  15. Clever people get names wrong! (5)
  16. Food for one in the mountains (5)
  19. Character assembles tea urn (6)
  20. Jacques’ welcome within the island (6)
  21. Drink quietly inside large corporation (5)
  22. Holds one inside lifts (6)
  23. 5’s old people found outside city (6)
  24. Sounds coming from parasites on tape (5)
  27. Sounds like Underground line is the way to go (5)
  29. Completely recorded girl (5)
  30. Selling car to worker with one big end about to go wrong! (13)
  32. Failure of guy without energy (3)
  33. Started group (3)
  34. Ability to produce new life? Try it! (9)
   1. Best river song (3)
   3. Respond to broken crate (5)
   4. Reaper likes moving about when cold inside (6)
   5. Leading Brown back to country (6)
   6. Cleaner starts mopping entrance (5)
   7. The French hold one in position (3)
   9. Sent out again to riverside ruin with payment to divers’ leader (13)
  10. Northerners study sound of birds beginning to sing (13)
  12. Can knife tip cut out fungal growth? (9)
  13. Proved she was my girlfriend? (9)
  16. Rotter needs to become very good (5)
  17. Part of a spicy jelly (5)
  18. Stops and shoots (5)
  25. Fashionable supporter Kate’s third child (6)
  26. Man and boy return to town (6)
  28. 1100 in end of battle with eastern European host (5)
  29. Start of discordant tones! (5)
  30. Greek character begins dancing! This could be glorious! (3)
  31. Force half of team back to dig (3)