   1. Unfortunately I insult Gary’s unique thing (11)
   9. Edge back around Bob’s screen (4)
  10. Firm pledges about medium size settlements (11)
  11. Work out with Eliot back-stage (4)
  14. Produce green car with great energy (5)
  17. Wordy poem about fragrance (7)
  19. Soft fabric for matinee dress (7)
  21. Peter, known as “You French nit!” – sadly! (7)
  22. Soldiers return with soldier from Italy (5)
  23. Did something to get date wrong about opening of club (5)
  24. Zero cash to organise collaboration (7)
  27. Company member enrolled in the French school (7)
  28. Hesitates to shred it willy-nilly (7)
  29. Sea travel without papers produces comment (5)
  31. Religious leader was single one in 2000 (4)
  34. Conversation in our centre is disjointed (11)
  35. Struggle with opinion (4)
  36. What an actor would do with sure start and dignity (11)
   2. Heart-throb left after nuptial response (4)
   3. Force gorilla to stare open-mouthed... (4)
   4. ...New insoles for female footballer... (7)
   5. ...Greeting sailors without duck or beast... (5)
   6. ...Otter he released gets to that place (7)
   7. Specific connexions to facts (11)
   8. That woman’s holding quiet flocks, without energy, for their proper keeper (11)
  12. Eve and Eva join choir reforming to do better than expected (11)
  13. Promotes talks about the return of miserable band (11)
  15. Outside church Steve arranged plants (7)
  16. Comedian to close talk and finish with rum (3 4)
  18. Weight of uranium placed in working empty core (5)
  20. One enormous hold! (5)
  25. Anti anti-gas riot! (7)
  26. Let Eric upset flyer (7)
  30. Useless with trendy online exercises (5)
  32. Numbness begins after backstroke in stream (4)
  33. One sibling finds God (4)