   1. Look menacingly at a radiant person? (6)
   5. We are told to grill fish with collaborator (8)
   9. Silly bird is in Italian city (8)
  10. Riverboat goes round, picking up male swimmer (6)
  11. Hip-Hop moves by a kerb (12)
  13. Energy is zero after breaking rib (4)
  14. Newcomers spill curries over tabletop (8)
  17. These identify manure thrown into empty silos (8)
  18. Ducks race outside making a palindromic sound (4)
  20. The German left battle carrying Lawrence to lake (7 5)
  23. Votes I organised may be rare in this system (6)
  24. Aide-memoire about bodyguard? (8)
  25. Complaints when vermin run over rubbish (8)
  26. The woman’s hat is folded in case (6)
   2. Not the High Street for this peer? (4)
   3. Get old car maker to come in feeling depressed and dishevelled (9)
   4. University diner was blown up and destroyed! (6)
   5. Instant argument? This is not one of those! (5 10)
   6. Example of trendy position (8)
   7. Part of an early Richard Strauss vocal composition (5)
   8. I am about reversing people’s endorsement (10)
  12. Increase complaining audibly in Scottish killing fields (6 4)
  15. Complete article now with quote (9)
  16. Goes out back to fix one handle (8)
  19. Arguments about adopting male characteristics (6)
  21. Small delay outside centre (5)
  22. Check out top of sexy underwear (4)